

2 days restaurants


600 places in total

Easy access

Public transport


Near residential areas

Well-maintained environment

For Walking and Relaxation

Cycle parking

Keep your bike safe

Outdoor terraces

For outdoor recreation

Live security

Centralised system

Shops in the area

Pharmacy and Shops

To make your workspace as comfortable and productive as possible, our team is located in the Nordo Park area and is ready to deal with any issue at a moment’s notice.

Company with extensive experience in providing security services for large facilities. The aim of our cooperation is a safe and orderly environment, which are self-evident values in everyday work.

Maintenance of standard equipment and systems in commercial buildings. Quant Latvia’s accumulated work experience can be measured back at least two decades. In case of technical problems, our 24/7 emergency call-out team will help.

A company that has been operating in the fire protection and low-voltage networking industry for 14 years. They have proven themselves as a reliable partner with solid cooperation with serious Latvian organisations.

Heating, water and sewerage solutions. Everything you need for your heating and water supply system. A solid partner with many years of experience in the industry.